1131:Teco Westinghouse


1131 Teco Westinghouse

Our electric compression packages are equipped with a Taco Westinghouse motor, which is why this training is imperative. With this training, you will learn how to install, maintain and repair any motor issues. Additionally, you'll learn how the different motor models work with different compressor packages. After completing this training, you'll have a foundational understanding of Tech Westinghouse motors and their limitations for electric compression.


Please browse through the available courses for an overview of what each course covers, their duration, location and required approval processes.


Please Note: Enrollment into this course will require explicit approval from your immediate supervisor. Without this approval, you will not be able to attend this training. When you're ready, click "request enrollment" to fill out an enrollment approval form that will be directly sent to your supervisor. It will take up to 7 business days for an update on your request.