Electric submersible pumps (ESPs) make up a significant percentage of the artificial lift market. Yet, ESP technology is prone to failure in common onshore well conditions and often requires expensive overhaul and downhole repairs.
Continuous cost constraints forced upon operations due to the recent plummet in oil prices, highlight the importance of improved recovery from unconventional wells. A more reliable, less complicated and cheaper alternative for unconventional oil and gas wells is found in High Pressure Gas Lift (HPGL), which is a key new advance in artificial lift technology.
Ultimately, HPGL provides a superior solution to the traditional valve-based gas lift or electric submersible pumps, resulting in: lower costs, reduced downtime, continuous production and higher profits.
How is this done?
By injecting high-pressure gas straight downhole, without the use of gas lift valves, onshore operators are seeing a significant uplift in production without the need for downhole intervention.
Delivers the same or better production volumes but cut maintenance costs by eliminating downhole ESP failures
Improves uptime and overall cost of ownership, with the reduction of both Non-Productive Time (NPT) and maintenance costs
And is perfect for remote wells because HPGL runs on wellhead gas which removes the need for a nearby power grid or the cost of diesel generators.
Having pioneered HPGL systems, Estis Compression is THE industry leader and can apply HPGL to any suitable well. Extensive field experience and manufacturing insights in wellpad compression make Estis the go-to provider of HPGL compressor units, ensuring lower capital and operating costs – with - better runtime and reliability.
From the Permian to the Marcellus and everywhere in between—Estis Compression is built for the field.
For more information, reference our High Pressure Gas Lift overview: https://www.estiscompression.com/hpgl