Estis University:1011 Preventative Maintenance
1011 Preventative Maintenance
The PM class will be covered in two segments that include classroom, and hands on training on our unit that is dedicated to the training center.
The class room segment of this course will provide the student with information about the source for the time interval for the PMs. The foundation for the basic 1440 hour PM comes from a government rule, and not industry standards. This rule drives many actions that compressor operators must take to keep our compressors in compliance with environmental regulations. This class will provide the technician with forms that are available to use as a guide to the actions to be taken during the various PMs.
There is an extensive list of maintenance and the various time frames in which they must be performed. This class will help the technician to access the manufacturer’s required PM intervals. The compressor frames and the engines are both covered in the Estis maintenance schedules.
The recording of the PMs and putting that information into our record keeping system is extremely important. Estis is required by Law to have these records available to our customers and to the various government agencies.
The hands on portion of this class will take place in the training center shop bay. Estis has provided a complete and runnable compressor package for the training program. There is no better place to teach someone how to do a PM than on a unit that can be run afterward to see if it was done correctly.